Will Warren

Will Warren was born and raised in Eastern Kentucky and professionally has worked for almost two decades in various capacities to create economic and community development opportunities. An expert in small community economic redevelopment, he is a recent graduate of the Appalachian Leadership Institute (ALI), a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) and an Entrepreneurship Development Professional (EDP). He currently has focused his professional work as a consultant revitalizing distressed and underdeveloped communities throughout the Appalachian region and beyond. Throughout his career he has managed public and private development projects in a variety of domestic locations (both large and small as well as urban and rural) and has experience at the local, regional, state, and federal levels focused on financial analysis and feasibility, sustainable growth and equitable community investment.
He holds a BS in Chemistry/Biology from Western Kentucky University and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Kentucky. He currently resides on the fringe of Appalachia Ohio with his wife – Christine; three children – Wrenn, Parkes and Boden; and German Shorthaired Pointer – Derby.
Tune into his podcast Appalachia Meets World.
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