Courtney Wynn
Charles City, Virginia
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Courtney is excited to help incubate and develop small businesses in tribal communities, while helping them generate jobs and build generational wealth so they can continue to live and work in their tribal communities. Having grown up in a small, rural, and marginalized community herself where good jobs required a significant commute, she aspires to build up and enrich communities, so residents don’t have to resort to moving away.

Courtney Wynn is state government and public policy professional based in Richmond, Virginia. A native of Charles City, Virginia, she is a member of the Chickahominy Indian Tribe. A graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University with studies in political science and economics, Courtney has worked in healthcare, state government, and education, and is passionate about the betterment of small, rural, and marginalized communities.
ERC Project
Project Title:
Wabanaki Cultural Tourism Initiative
Host Community or Region:
Tribal communities: Pleasant Point, Indian Township, Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, and Penobscot. Maine: Washington and Aroostook Counties.
Host Organization:
Four Directions Development Corporation
The Wakanaki Cultural Tourism Initiative led by the Four Directions Development Corporation focuses on developing cultural tourism assets in collaboration with tribal citizens and organizations. Covering the tribal communities in Pleasant Point, Indian Township, Mi’kmaq, and Malisee, the initiative aims to transform potential, in-development, or visitor-ready assets into market-ready businesses, products, and experiences. The ERC Fellow will be responsible for cultural tourism asset development by cultivating relationships with small business owners, tribal leaders, and key tribal personnel. They will provide training, support business plan development, and document the asset development process. The overarching goal is to support economic development opportunities and establish a robust Wabanaki Cultural Tourism industry.
Interested in supporting this project or learning more? Contact the ERC program team here.