Meet the Fellows

Justin Washington


Tuscaloosa, AL
Justin is excited to be working with organizations in Alabama who have a strong reputation for making a sustainable impact in economically disadvantaged communities. Working alongside a team of passionate affordable housing & economic development professionals excites him to deepen his impact by implementing the ERC project for communities who need us most.

Justin Washington is a burgeoning affordable housing & economic development professional from Tuscaloosa, AL. He has worked with many municipalities in Alabama on affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization efforts. He has also worked with city leaders to deliver his expertise in financing community and economic development projects and has supported a city in Alabama to establish and administer its first land bank.

In addition, he spearheaded an effort for a local municipality to secure technical assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to develop a strategic plan to address the city’s housing and economic development needs. His expertise in securing funding from various sources coupled with his technical skills in project management makes him a valuable addition to the growing field of affordable housing and economic development.

ERC Project

Project Title: 

Expanding Community Development Capacity in Alabama

Host Community or Region: 


Host Organization: 

Opportunity Alabama, in collaboration with Miles College Community Development Corporation (MCCDC)
"Expanding Community Development Capacity in Alabama’s Disinvested Communities” addresses the critical need for property redevelopment to foster commercial revitalization and increase the housing stock across Alabama's economically distressed regions. The ERC Fellow will provide technical assistance to guide local property owners and small-scale developers through the complex pre-development process with the goal of assessing project viability and helping them secure project funding. Additionally, the fellow will connect prospective business tenants with property owners undergoing redevelopment to reduce storefront vacancies and reinvigorate commercial corridors. A significant part of this place-based strategy model will involve collaboration with the Miles College Community Development Corporation (MCCDC) in Fairfield, Ala., assisting in redeveloping blighted properties into affordable housing and spaces for local businesses. The outcome of this project is the transformation of real estate in distressed areas to ignite and empower communities with more affordable housing, small businesses, and vibrant local economies.

Interested in supporting this project or learning more? Contact the ERC program team here.