Landdis A. Hollifield

Landdis Hollifield is a seasoned public relations professional with a background in government affairs, small business development, and tourism marketing. In her past roles, she has led dynamic leadership teams that have imagined, created, and implemented strategic plans to help the organization they represent better align with its mission and vision. She has a passion for small business development and has actively worked as a Small Business Center instructor since 2020. Her classes focus mainly on small business marketing, point of sale system dynamics, and many more technology-driven topics.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, she developed a strategic marketing plan to support the small business owners in her community. Through strategic partnerships and the sharing of resources, Landdis in collaboration with other economic development partners was able to increase foot traffic to local small businesses by 40-70% during the pandemic. She plans to use her marketing and promotion skills alongside her knowledge of local government and product development to uplift a community or region.
Landdis hopes to one day work for an economic development partnership entity so that she can uplift communities in need of economic development assistance.
ERC Project
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